About Us

Welcome to Reloader Addict, where you can find all the information–or at least the beginnings of an education–on guns, hunting, and reloading.  If you have any concerns, please use the contact form to reach us!



Owner of Reloaderaddict.com, Boyd Smith is a major handgun enthusiast, and although he owns Glocks, he prefers the revolving wheel type. His go-to guns are a Smith & Wesson 642 Performance Center for carry and a Ruger GP100 in the nightstand biometric safe (he has kids). He loads both revolvers with old-school 148-grain Federal Gold Medal .38 wadcutters. It’s OK if you think he’s a wimp.



Erica Lien grew up shooting pop cans with a BB gun and graduated to more serious firearms as a teen. Since then, she became a member of the NRA and made herself something of an expert in firearms. She is proud to say she’s shot over 100 different types of firearms in her lifetime, from vintage black powder to AR-15’s, and became well-practiced in self defense. She balances her love of guns with hiking, writing, and traveling. You can follow her adventures on her Instagram at @awake__unafraid.

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One response

  1. wow, just found your site. thanks for for the deep dive into many topics. excellent information. thanks

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